# How to make a makefile

A makefile in Procursus generally should download, build and pack a project.

# Before setup

All makefiles must start with

ifneq ($(PROCURSUS),1)
$(error Use the main Makefile)

For a makefile that builds foo, it must have the following targets:

  • foo-setup which download, extracts and optionally patch the source code
  • foo which builds the actual thing and install it to build_stage
  • foo-package which sign and make debs

Before writing the rules of the targets, we first need to add the name of your project to either SUBPROJECTS (you should use this), or STRAPPROJECTS which will be included in the base bootstrap. This document will only discuss a SUBPROJECTS addition.

For example, for foo.mk,


Declare the version,

FOO_VERSION := 4.20.69

Declare the actual version of the .debs


Your makefile should look something like this:

ifneq ($(PROCURSUS),1)
$(error Use the main Makefile)

FOO_VERSION  := 4.20.69

# Setup

Declare the foo-setup target, which must depend on the setup target.

foo-setup: setup

We need to download the source code from a URL to build_source.

	wget -q -nc -P$(BUILD_SOURCE) https://example.com/foo/foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz

Next, we will use the EXTRACT_TAR function to extract it. Note that if you need to extract it using some other method, it must be extracted to inside of $(BUILD_WORK)/project-name

	wget -q -nc -P$(BUILD_SOURCE) https://example.com/foo/foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz
	$(call EXTRACT_TAR,foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz,foo-$(FOO_VERSION),foo)

The first argument is the downloaded tarball name in build_source, second argument is the folder extracted from the tarball, while the third argument is the folder name where tarball files are copied to under $(BUILD_WORK)

The makefile now look something like this:

ifneq ($(PROCURSUS),1)
$(error Use the main Makefile)

FOO_VERSION  := 4.20.69

	wget -q -nc -P$(BUILD_SOURCE) https://example.com/foo/foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz
	$(call EXTRACT_TAR,foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz,foo-$(FOO_VERSION),foo)

# Build

The name of the target that actual builds the project is the name of the project. It should depend on project_name-setup first then the project names of the build depends.

Let's say that foo needs libbar to be built, and libbar is already in Procursus:

The target will look something like this:

foo: foo-setup libbar

This target should compile the project and install it inside of $(BUILD_STAGE)/project_name, then call $(call AFTER_BUILD). If the project contains libraries, it should call $(call AFTER_BUILD,copy) instead so that the libraries could be used by something else in Procursus when building.

In Procursus, $(MEMO_PREFIX) is equivalent to / while $(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX) is equivalent to /usr.

Default flags/variables are available for common build systems which will handle it for you.

Assuming that foo uses autotools, and contains shared libraries and tools, we first

configure it

foo: foo-setup libbar
	cd $(BUILD_WORK)/foo && ./configure -C \

build it

foo: foo-setup libbar
	cd $(BUILD_WORK)/foo && ./configure -C \
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo

install it to $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo

foo: foo-setup libbar
	cd $(BUILD_WORK)/foo && ./configure -C \
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo install \

call AFTER_BUILD and therefore copy to BUILD_BASE

foo: foo-setup libbar
	cd $(BUILD_WORK)/foo && ./configure -C \
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo install \
	$(call AFTER_BUILD,copy)

The copy argument makes the contents of $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo to be copied to $(BUILD_BASE)

The makefile should now be:

ifneq ($(PROCURSUS),1)
$(error Use the main Makefile)

FOO_VERSION  := 4.20.69

	wget -q -nc -P$(BUILD_SOURCE) https://example.com/foo/foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz
	$(call EXTRACT_TAR,foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz,foo-$(FOO_VERSION),foo)
foo: foo-setup libbar
	cd $(BUILD_WORK)/foo && ./configure -C \
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo install \
	$(call AFTER_BUILD,copy)

# Packaging

# Debianization (Debianisation)

Please follow how Debian packages something. Even if they don't have something, follow their convection.

Find out how they do it for <SOMETHING> by visiting https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=<SOMETHING>&searchon=sourcenames&suite=unstable&section=all

For example, for libcdio the search will be: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=libcdio&searchon=sourcenames&suite=unstable&section=all

# Control files

To package, you also need control (opens new window) files which are basically information for the debs created.

@SOMETHING@s will be replaced with their actual value when making debs via the PACK function.

A control file for foo for Procursus could look like this:

Package: foo
Maintainer: @DEB_MAINTAINER@
Architecture: @DEB_ARCH@
Version: @DEB_FOO_V@
Depends: libbar1 (>= 3.2), libfoo2 (>= 4.1)
Replaces: libfoo1
Section: Utilities
Description: a short single line description
 This is the extended description, it can contain multiple lines. It should
 begin with a space on every line like this. In order to increase readability,
 the text should be wrapped. In order to make a paragraph, use a line with 
 only a space and a dot like this:
 Each line must contain a non-whitespace character and you should not use
 TAB characters as they have unpredictable effects. Do not make lines
 containing a space, a dot and some more characters either.
  In order to make something to be displayed verbatim, indent it with two o
  r more spaces. If the display cannot be panned horizontally, the displayi
  ng program will line wrap them “hard” (i.e., without taking account of wo
  rd breaks). If it can they will be allowed to trail off to the right.

# Making .debs with makefile

This is the task of the project_name-package: target. It must depend on project_name

For foo, it will be

foo-package: foo

Let's say that foo has the following paths under $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo:

$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib/libfoo.dylib -> libfoo.2.dylib

(AFTER_BUILD changes man page compression to zst)

Note that comments are required for this target.

Cleanup & create directories of package names under $(BUILD_DIST)

	# foo.mk Package Structure
	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIST)/{foo,libfoo{1,-dev}}
	mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIST)/{foo,libfoo{1,-dev}}/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)
	mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIST)/libfoo{1,-dev}/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib

Copy files

	# foo.mk Prep foo
	# foo.mk Prep libfoo2
	cp -a $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/libfoo.2.dylib $(BUILD_DIST)/libfoo2/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib
	# foo.mk Prep libfoo-dev
	cp -a $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/libfoo.{a,dylib} $(BUILD_DIST)/libfoo-dev/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib 

Next, we need to sign for any packages that contain Mach-O binaries. In this case it is foo and libfoo2. The SIGN function is used. The first argument is the directory name under $(BUILD_DIST) and the second argument is the entitlement file under $(BUILD_MISC)/entitlements

	# foo.mk Sign
	$(call SIGN,foo,general.xml)
	$(call SIGN,libfoo2,general.xml)

Now, make the actual .debs! The PACK function takes two arguments: The first argument is the directory name under $(BUILD_DIST) while the second argument is the name of the variable that holds the package version. (DEB_FOO_V in this case)

	# foo.mk Make .debs
	$(call PACK,foo,DEB_FOO_V)
	$(call PACK,libfoo2,DEB_FOO_V)
	$(call PACK,libfoo-dev,DEB_FOO_V)

Clean up.

	# foo.mk Build Cleanup
	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIST)/{foo,libfoo{1,-dev}}

Add a .PHONY line.

.PHONY foo foo-package

Then, well technically you are done.

The makefile now looks like:

ifneq ($(PROCURSUS),1)
$(error Use the main Makefile)

FOO_VERSION  := 4.20.69

	wget -q -nc -P$(BUILD_SOURCE) https://example.com/foo/foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz
	$(call EXTRACT_TAR,foo-$(FOO_VERSION).tar.gz,foo-$(FOO_VERSION),foo)
foo: foo-setup libbar
	cd $(BUILD_WORK)/foo && ./configure -C \
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo
	+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_WORK)/foo install \
	$(call AFTER_BUILD,copy)

foo-package: foo
	# foo.mk Package Structure
	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIST)/{foo,libfoo{1,-dev}}
	mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIST)/{foo,libfoo{1,-dev}}/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)
	mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIST)/libfoo{1,-dev}/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib
	# foo.mk Prep foo
	# foo.mk Prep libfoo2
	cp -a $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/libfoo.2.dylib $(BUILD_DIST)/libfoo2/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib
	# foo.mk Prep libfoo-dev
	cp -a $(BUILD_STAGE)/foo/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/libfoo.{a,dylib} $(BUILD_DIST)/libfoo-dev/$(MEMO_PREFIX)$(MEMO_SUB_PREFIX)/lib
	# foo.mk Sign
	$(call SIGN,foo,general.xml)
	$(call SIGN,libfoo2,general.xml)
	# foo.mk Make .debs
	$(call PACK,foo,DEB_FOO_V)
	$(call PACK,libfoo2,DEB_FOO_V)
	$(call PACK,libfoo-dev,DEB_FOO_V)
	# foo.mk Build Cleanup
	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIST)/{foo,libfoo{1,-dev}}
.PHONY: foo foo-package
Last Updated: 2/13/2023, 5:03:54 PM